Hey my beautiful ladies! Each year there are always a range of new and exciting nail trends that seem to show up everywhere.This time the beauty world is bringing us one of the coolest and most wearable nail-art trends we’ve seen in a long time. We’re talking about shattered-glass nails. But don’t worry, it’s not just sticking shards of glass to your fingers. It’s much simpler than that. This is the most edgy nail trend we have seen in a long time — and we clearly aren’t the only ones who are loving the look.

It all started with a South Korean manicurist, Eunkyung Park, introducing the trend to us on her Instagram account. The colorful nail accent was inspired by the inside of the abalone shell, which is lined with a stunning rainbow pearl finish. Upon finding this unexpected inspiration on the beach, Park began looking for ways to mimic the exact look for nails. This led her to test out cellophane candy wrappers, but after cutting the wrappers into tiny pieces to stick on her nails, they ended up being too thick. After a long search for thinner candy wrappers, she finally found a Japan-based company that sold unique holographic paper called rainbow film, which is easier to attach to the nail.