2018+2019 Louis vuitton Handbag Colection

Noe Bags Collection Prices

Ever imagined a bag that will cost you a star to buy? Well, that might sound a tad too exaggeratingly hyperbolic, but that is beside the point. Just try to imagine what kind of bag would do that. Nothing? Meet, Louis Vuitton Noe Bags collection. The collection has been the talk of fashion industry not only because it was born from the brain of the fashion house’s former creative director, Marc Jacobs, but also because of the price of each item on that collection is through the roof!

Louis vuitton Handbag Colection

Just think about it, the most expensive one will cost you no less than 31.500USD. That. Is. A. Lot. Of. Money. It’s like, you can buy a star with money that much (okay, enough with the hyperbole). But to be honest, with a price that high, LV still can be true to form: Being the superior bag-maker women would kill to have one of the bags put out.

So, what makes the bag so gargantuan? First of all, it is handmade so you can at least give it up for the effort. Secondly, it uses out-of-the-world materials. No, not like the unobtainium. More like alligator skin matched with tassles which are hand-crafted. Also, the bag is studded with Swarovski crystals, so you get the gist.

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