Stretch Your Natural Hair Without Using Heat.
In the event that you are a naturalista, you won’t have any desire to harm your hair. Applying heat on our hairs can be testing atimes, particularly when we wind up utilizing the wrong temperature. Perhaps, you have your tale about the weaknesses or sorry-story of your hair and warmth application.
To maintain a strategic distance from unreasonable harm on your hair, we have found a methods for going normal while extending your hair without the utilization of warmth. We wager you will love extending your hair without experiencing any type of warmth hardware or device?
Thank heavens, on the off chance that you have a characteristic hair like mine. We simply don’t need any harm regardless of how little to go to our hairs. There is a characteristic technique you can gain from us in this video. It is known as the African threading strategy!
What doesn’t that mean? African threading technique needs to manage something you may not accept. The African strings you can utilize is what is called ‘kiko’ in Yoruba. For those from the western piece of Nigeria, some of you might not have realized that it is an ideal method for extending your characteristic hair with warmth.
Stretch Your Natural Hair Without Using Heat.