24+ picture of Traditional Wedding you never see
24+ picture of Traditional Wedding you never see A story from the bride…
“Many stories start with, “I could barely sleep the night before the wedding”. Mine doesn’t. I decided that what will be will be. Couldn’t change a thing at 23:45 Friday 26th now. And my oh my did the stars just align in our favour. At the crack of dawn my inlaws came. A party that filled a minibus. They were here for me. To fetch the bride. I stared at them in awe from my bedroom window. I too was about to become a Motswana makoti. They were poised. In their bleached white blankets, 18 carat gold signature makoti earrings and the blue letoitshi skirts. Some even wore silky stockings and court shoes.
And they were to be my escorts for the day. My own body guards literally. Making sure that I was well looked after until Saturday’s festivities at my home are done and that I arrive in perfect form at my mother in laws house. They had to get that part 100% right. After all, they had paid the lobola. Lobola to unite two families and to serve as a symbol that the son in law and his family will take care of the new bride. A beautiful and most important part of the day. And it was a wrap when my elders helped me dress in my letoitshi and snow white blanket. A part I treasure the most. Bought for me by my mother in law.

The elders sat us down to give us marriage counselling later. All the while, the singing and dancing carried on even long after the newlyweds were taken to their new home. Day 1 was completed and day 2 was going to kick off on even higher note. Sunday 27th. All stops pulled by the church, community and uncles. Uncles dressed in their funny over sized clothes with a goat by their side. Much like what the joker is to the royal family. Lol. That was to show that they are over the moon . Excited beyond words. Overjoyed that a niece or nephew is getting married. And that goat is a gift to add to the feast”.